Monday, December 10, 2012


Archer had a busy day today.
He received a new Kate's Kart book, Baby Animals in the Snow.
The nurses took the suction out of his chest tube because the x-ray showed that both lungs inflated well. They'll continue to track his oxygen levels and listen to his chest. If all goes well, they'll clamp the tubes soon and then remove them.
Archer also had a picc (percutaneous intravenous central catheter) inserted into his hand today. The picc runs all the way through his arm and into his chest. They will give him fluids using the picc, as the umbilical cord can no longer be used. He has one remaining tube running to his umbilical cord that will stay there for one more test.
Archer's oxygen levels are still up and down, but it was to be expected after all the procedures he had today. In fact, the doctors held his left arm up for almost 25 minutes to insert the picc. This takes up a lot of his energy. There was another preemie in the NICU in which it took two days to try to get the picc inserted correctly. Good job, Archer!
The pictures posted should help give you perspective of just how small he is (compared to Lacy's hand).

1 comment:

  1. He is just super precious! Love and hugs to all of you. We are keeping the prayers and positive thoughts coming your way.
