Tuesday, December 11, 2012

25 Weeks

Archer received another sedative in the morning to help calm him for the busy day ahead. His chest tubes were removed today! There were no signs of air entering his chest after they had clamped off his tubes.
Later, after the chest tubes were removed, Archer needed quick assistance with his oxygen levels. The room was full of nurses and the doctor was by his side. His oxygen intake was at 100 percent, provided by the oscillator. The doctor then performed a test to see if he would do well on the ventilator instead. This seemed to fit Archer's needs as he is now on the ventilator.
The nurses then repositioned Archer on his belly for the first time. What a flat head! It was easy to tell that he was very upset during this transition, however he seemed perfectly happy and calm shortly after the move. His oxygen levels improved dramatically while in this position. He currently requires only 35 percent oxygen with 40 breaths per minute. The lower these numbers go, along with more breaths on his own, the healthier he will be.
Archer is also receiving a Lasix medication which helps with fluid retention in his kidneys. His diaper was quite soaked due to this medication.

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