Archer received two gifts from Santa Claus today! The first gift was the gift of a new I.V. line in his ankle! It took the nurses quite a few pokes, and a lot of time, to get the line in (this made Archer, Mom and Dad a little nervous and irritated as well).
This first gift leads right into the second, which was the gift of blood given through the new I.V. line. Archer was running a little low on blood because of all the blood draws.
Archer's blood gas levels have been great so the doctors have been setting the ventilator to lower pressure settings. We hope this trend continues. His oxygen levels have been a little high, but stable.
Archer's blood pressure is still taking nosedives every now and then. The most recent could have been attributed to needing more blood in his system.
Archer's most recent weigh-in was at 1 pound, 8 ounces.
Mom and Dad are very thankful to have spent their time with Archer on his first Christmas. They think that Archer's gift of showing them his eyes will be a little late, but soon, and it will be well worth the wait.
Belated Merry Christmas and I hope the New Year brings many improvements and happiness to all of your very special family.