Monday, December 3, 2012

Archer's 3rd Day

Archer had an array of tests done today. By the end of the night he was pretty well pooped out; his legs and arms weren't flailing about as much.
Archer had one of three lights taken away that treat Jaundice. His skin is looking better by the minute. The other lights should be taken away in a day or so.
Archer had a chest x-ray. They found that his lungs are a little too inflated! The caring nurses turned down the pumping of air. They said they are all so amazed at how strong and healthy his lungs are.
Archer had a brain scan. We were very anxious throughout the day to get the results of this test. Many preemies (and those still in the womb) have a spot in the brain where bleeding generally occurs, though while in the warm womb, it usually goes away. The nurse read the results of the test from the computer, and said that the only note was to double-check a tiny spot that could or could not be a bleed in a few days. I asked if it is a tiny spot, if it is something we should be concerned about, she said, "No, not at all."
Archer had a heart scan today too. These results were sent out to another hospital, and we are still waiting on these results.
We spoke with one of the doctors this morning who stressed that it is a long road ahead of us. There could be a few weeks of quiet time, then he'll reach a certain point where there will be down times. We are very thankful for his progress so far and these positive results. A lot of his actions are mimicking those of a 26 week preemie, not a 23.


  1. So glad to hear everything is good so far. Thank you so much for posting this blog. Lots of love and prayers are being sent little Archer's way!

  2. This is Kristen Friess (from Tontogany :-) ) I just wanted to drop you a line. I work with your uncle Jim. Wanted to let you know that my son was born at 25 weeks. He's now 9 and half. If you need anything, you let me know!!!! Your uncle has all my contact info. I remember the many months beside the isolet and I hope you will call me if you need encouragement or just need to vent. My thoughts are with you and congrats on the new little one. Sometimes the biggest struggles in our lives give us the greatest joy...please keep that in mind.


    1. Kristen,
      Thanks so much for sharing; it's comforting to hear others' success stories and to know that others have had similar experiences. I'll definitely keep you in mind because I know that although things seem to be going so well right now, there will be many more hurdles to come.
