Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Archer was so excited about Santa Claus coming to town tonight that the nurse said he exhibited seizure-like movements. His breathing level would drop dramatically while she noticed an arm tremor that would not stop. A brain scan was ordered immediately to check and see if he had any increased bleeding in the brain. He did not (great news)! An EEG (brain activity scan) has been ordered to be completed in a couple of days, though the doctor believes this may not show very much. The best option would be to do an MRI to see what's causing his actions but he is a couple of months from being healthy enough to withstand this test.
Archer is now on seizure medication. The seizures could just be the fact that his brain and nerves are still very immature. There are several babies who go home on seizure medication that will eventually grow out of the seizure activity.
Other than this news, Archer's respiratory stats have been very good since his new tube was put in place. He has gone down a pressure setting on the ventilator and his oxygen levels have been stable.
Archer's blood pressure medication has also been decreased, though the new line they put in his right arm is having a difficult time getting a good read because Archer moves around so much.
Archer also received a new Kate's Kart book for Christmas: The Perfect Tree.

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