Friday, December 21, 2012

Hairy Day

Archer got in a lot of rest during the day today. His blood pressure and oxygen levels have been about the same the last few days. He is back on the breathing treatments because his lungs seem to look better through the chest x-rays while he is on these treatments. His chest x-rays have also shown some 'haziness' regarding his lungs. Some tests were performed to see if he had some sort of infection, (maybe something like pneumonia). However all results have so far shown that he does not have any infections.
The nurses are trying to wean Archer off dopamine, but his blood pressure levels determine how much he receives. He would not let them wean him off any doses today.
Mom and Dad noticed that Archer's hair was coming in, and his head has sure rounded out since he has been turned in different positions by the nurses. His hair seems to be coming in a blondish-brownish color.
Mom received a phone call late in the evening with a new update as well. Archer's tube that runs down into his lungs was replaced with a wider tube that should fit a little more snug. The nurses and doctor believe that the smaller tube was not getting enough air to his lungs (maybe this was the fuzziness?) and there was a leak. The ventilator and oscillator may have been overcompensating for the air leaks, thus the higher oxygen settings. This new tube should fit well and will hopefully allow Archer's oxygen settings to decrease.

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