Sunday, December 16, 2012

No Gloves

Archer started out early this morning with low blood pressure levels. Another heart scan was performed to see if there were any vessels that had opened up. The official results of this test are not in, however after first glance the doctor believes that the heart scan came back with good results. Official results should be in tomorrow. In the meantime, Archer was given some medicine to help his blood pressure, and this eventually made it too high. When we left for the day, his blood pressure was in the 30s, just where they would like to see his levels.
Archer was given dopamine today. This is supposed to help the heart work in a good manner, in conjunction with his lungs.
Archer has received blood transfusions the last two days. There are recent studies that may link intestinal problems when someone receives blood transfusions and feedings. Therefore, Archer has not received any milk this weekend. He may start back on food tomorrow if they are through giving him blood pressure medicine and blood transfusions.
Archer went off antibiotics today. He also went off the Lasix medication for his kidneys. His diapers were showing more fluid than what he was taking in.
Archer's oxygen level was 70 when we left for the day. The nurse's hope was to get this down to 60 before shift change. The pressure settings on the oscillator are on low settings.
Mom and Dad got to touch Archer for the first time without using a glove! He seemed to crave attention this weekend so Mom read him a book while caressing his feet and legs.
Archer weighed in a couple of days ago, he had lost 10 grams since birth. They measured him today and from head to toe he is 11 inches long.

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