Archer arrived at 7:47am, Saturday, December 1st, 2012. He also arrived almost 17 weeks early! He weighed in at 1 pound, 4 ounces. No length was measured, but we're estimating about one foot. This is due to his really long legs and toes.
We suspected Archer may come early, but not this early! Mom and dad did what they could to keep him in the womb. We were in the hospital for five nights straight, working with Dr. Wheeler to help keep Archer in, but he would have none of it.
Archer let out a good squeal when he arrived. Dad got to see him for about 1 minute in that operating room. Mom only saw his face for a mere few seconds. He was then whisked away to the NICU where nurses and doctors took special care of him.
Mom's health was fine after the delivery, just a little sore. It was a good 4 hours until we were able to see Archer again.
We were told his health was great. His breathing was excellent, he required no additional oxygen, and he was feisty. His eyes were still fuzed together. He was in a special incubator, connected with various tubes and monitors.
Mom and dad were overwhelmed with the events of the day, but Archer and the staff at the hospital gave us great hope that he will be taken with excellent care at his long stay in the NICU. There will be many ups and downs during his stay in the NICU, but we hope that this blog is filled with only ups.
Thanks to all of your prayers, thoughts, and gifts. We appreciate the generosity you have shown us in these tough and special times.