Friday, February 15, 2013


Archer's kidney ultrasound results came in today. It showed that he has mild hydronephrosis, which is fluid around the kidneys and is apparently normal in preemies and newborns. This typically causes urinary tract infections. They usually grow out of this. Until then he will receive doses of Amoxicillin. Archer had an array of other tests completed to see if anything else has been going on. He had a few bradys and required a higher oxygen level in the forties. Blood culture results came back not showing much change since the staff checked it for signs of infection a few days ago. He had a chest x-ray as well. This showed a small spot that could be stool, or it could be a sign of NEC. NEC is an infection of the intestines that can become a serious health concern. The doctors in the NICU are leaning more toward the spot being just stool because he has been taking feedings just fine and his bowel movements have been great. To be cautious the doctors stopped feeding him for the next 24 hours and will give another x-ray in the morning to see if the spot was just stool. Late in the evening his oxygen made it back down to 30%.

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