Wednesday, February 20, 2013


When Mom arrived to see Archer he seemed hot and frustrated. Mom decided to swaddle him and he calmed down and gazed at the room around him. He even found his mouth with his thumb a couple of times. 
Archer's feeding time was decreased again from 60 minute to 45 minute feedings every 3 hours. His liter flow on his cannula was also decreased from 4 to 3.5. This was changed because his blood gas tests have been good and he has been steady on lower oxygen levels. This was also changed in spite of the fact that he has had tachypnea, which is a series of quick respirations in a short amount of time. The doctor said that this will likely continue until he is 3 to 5 years of age. 
Archer's weight this evening was 3 pounds 7 ounces.

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