Monday, February 4, 2013


Archer made the big step today and moved onto a CPAP! He doesn't like it very much. The nasal prongs are fairly large and probably annoying. He was very fussy, though his breathing levels were doing just fine. The CPAP works with the NAVA system, which monitors his breaths and gives him backup breaths if he needs it. It works better if his mouth is closed, otherwise about 90% of the air is leaked out through his mouth. Mom spent a long time today helping keep his mouth closed by giving him a pacifier so he could breathe easier and trying to calm him down by "containing" his arms and legs. His NAVA levels are the same as when he was on the ventilator, though his oxygen level increased in the range of 40%.
The staff is unsure how long he will last on the CPAP, but they hope it lasts long enough to make a smooth transition to a nasal cannula. Archer was very fussy and upset with the CPAP when he was awake, but when he was sleeping he was doing very well. He was given Tylenol to help calm him down and ease any pain he may have felt. His vocal chords are still swollen. Mom was told that the air flow of the CPAP can sometimes help heal the vocal chords.


  1. Replies
    1. Since you were the first to comment you get full credit for this new leap in life!

  2. As much I would love to take credit...........Archer, Mommy, and Daddy are the ones that have done the real work to get to this point!! Excited to hear Archer's sweet little voice :)

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