Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tipping the Scale

Archer has gained a lot of ounces over the past couple of days. He has been weighed by the nurses several times to try to make sure that the readings were accurate. Yesterday the scale said he had reached 3 pounds 13 ounces. Today's reading was 3 pounds 15 ounces! Because of this weight gain his feedings were increased from 32 ml to 35 ml during his 30 minute feedings.
Archer is now receiving his breathing treatment only as needed, instead of a twelve hour schedule. His heart rate increased dramatically for a short time period. That could have been a sign to cut down on the treatments. He has been doing well on the 2.5 lpm cannula setting with an oxygen level around 29%.
Archer received a Kate's Kart book today: Splash!

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