Thursday, February 21, 2013

Not Ready

Archer started out the day with a good oxygen level (24%) and his breathing was steady. The doctor decided to try to wean him down some more on his liter flow from 3.5 to 3, and he also adjusted his feeding schedule to 30 minute feedings every 3 hours. Archer tried out these new settings for a few hours. His breathing was up and down during this time and was having a slightly difficult time adjusting to these changes. When Dad arrived he was able to swaddle Archer for a few minutes until Archer "clamped down" and stopped breathing. A couple of nurses came in and he was placed back into his incubator. It took him a while to recover from this apneic episode. The decision was made to put him back on 3.5 liter flow and 45 minute feedings. He had only been on these settings for just over 24 hours and he was doing well with them. A chest x-ray was taken that showed his tummy was backed up with stool. He was given a suppository to help with this situation. He will get another x-ray in the morning to look for improvement or signs of infection. Since the episode, he has been doing well with good breathing and oxygen levels. Mom read him his new Kate's Kart book today: Does a Kangaroo have a Mother, Too?

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