Friday, February 1, 2013

Grabby Hands

Archer was able to wean down on his NAVA settings today from 2.0 to 1.8. He's had some episodes of needing the backup mode to give him breaths, and this was expected to help get him used to the new settings.
Archer's milk intake was increased from 187.2 ml to 192 ml per day. Archer lost 20 grams today. His CPT treatments were decreased to just twice a day.
Archer has had several episodes of having an increased body temperature that goes along with a faster heart rate, and an unhappy face that he moves from side to side and lifts off his pillow. We are starting to think that these short tantrums are related to his poo mechanisms. It takes a period of time to help cool him down afterward. Today Archer had another one of these tantrums, only he improvised a little more. Mom witnessed him moving his head back and forth, loosening his breathing tube, and pulling his tape that holds the tube off the side of his face with his hand. Mom and the nurse stopped him in time before he did any more damage. It is common for preemies to take out the breathing tubes themselves, which makes it easier to convince the staff to attempt to transition them to CPAPs.

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