Sunday, March 3, 2013


Archer started his day out today by giving his nurse a run for her money. He pulled his feeding tube out... twice! This was the first time that he has accomplished this task. His breathing was also fairly periodic (up and down). He is most likely getting used to the 2.0 liter flow setting that was changed yesterday.
Archer also put on 20 more grams, bringing him to 4 pounds 3 ounces. His reflux medication was increased because of this weight change, and also to help with his reflux issues he has at the end of feedings. His meals were increased from 35 ml to 37 ml.
Archer has received quite a haul as far as gifts, cards, and love and support from family members and friends. Mom and Dad would like to thank everyone who has showered Archer with their gifts and support, and those who have followed this blog. Archer still has a long road ahead, but your support makes the road much easier to travel for the Kumfer family.

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