Monday, March 11, 2013

Brady Night

Archer had a rough night last night and had a total of four bradycardias. These could be attributed to pushing out some stool and/or reflux, but he required stimulation from the nurse to help get him back to normal. The doctor raised his liter flow back to 2.0. Later in the day it was moved down to 1.5. The occupational therapist came in and said it may be good for his breathing to continue to have kangaroo care once a day, instead of always swaddling.
Archer took about the same amount of his bottle as he has done the past couple of days (27 ml).
His eye doctor also paid another visit. Archer's eyes have not changed (still between 1 and 2 ROP), though the doctor did confirm that he does not have Plus disease.
Archer measured in at 17 inches long today and 4 pounds 12 ounces. He received a new Kate's Kart book: The Very Busy Spider.

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