Archer had an adventurous day. He made his first trip from the third floor of the NICU to the first floor for a kidney dye test. The doctors are wanting to see if there was a physiological reason for having a urinary tract infection a few weeks ago. He required a catheter for this procedure and he did not like it one bit. He was put on a portable oxygen tank at 100% oxygen to make the trip from floor to floor. The doctors were looking for a backup or reflux of the kidneys but they did not find such evidence. This was one of many tests Archer will have before discharge and Mom and Dad are happy that this test showed good results. He will need another renal ultrasound before going home to check again for hydronephrosis.
Archer's bottle feedings continued with Mom trying to find the type of bottle that Archer can work with when he is home. After a few tries she believes she found a kind that Archer can suckle on properly. He finished the whole bottle at his 5 o'clock feeding without an increase in oxygen. He also had his first try at nutritive breast feeding with the help of a lactation consultant, who believes Archer will eventually do well. Mom and Archer get to practice once a day for the time being. He has had some practice with non-nutritive breast feeding (basically just suckling after Mom pumps) in the past month.
Archer officially made it to 5 pounds (5 pounds 1 ounce)! His latest measurement is 16 & 1/4 inches long. He is currently on 25% oxygen.
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