Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Test Run

Archer had a test run of breathing without any oxygen support for most of the day. He did well but there was a considerable difference in his breathing levels from being on a 1/16 liter flow. There is still a chance that he will come home with oxygen support, or would need support during certain periods of the day such as feeding or sleeping. He will be monitored closely to see what his needs are throughout the rest of his stay in the NICU.
Archer will also be learning how to sleep on a leveled mattress without any blankets or supports around him. It was okay to have these blankets in the NICU because he was on constant watch and connected to monitors. This will not be allowed at home because it increases the risk of SIDS.
Archer received his first RSV shot today. April is the last month of risk for RSV this season. He will require one shot every month when the season begins again in the fall.
Archer weighs 6 pounds 3 ounces and is 18 inches long.


  1. Archer is amazing... you guys are amazing parents! You are one lucky family to have each other and thank you for having this blog!

  2. I can't get enough of these pictures!! Archer is just adorable.
