Monday, April 1, 2013

Good News, Bad News

Good News: Archer began the day with a swallow study to see if he had milk going into his lungs during feedings. Archer took 30 ml of a bottle mixed with barium. The barium was detected by an x-ray video that was zoomed in on his head and neck. The milk could be seen going into the correct pipe without any flaws! G-tubes and G-buttons are hopefully now out of the picture. Archer just needs more time to build up his endurance during feedings. When he is taking 100% of his feeds by bottle, and is having little to zero bradys, he should be on his way home, unless other factors appear. His minimum feeding requirement was raised from 54 ml to 57 ml.
Bad News: The eye doctor felt a need to come in early and check on Archer's ROP status again. The checkup showed that both eyes had worsened and are in stage 3 ROP. Archer will undergo dual laser eye surgery tomorrow afternoon. The doctor feels that he is catching the abnormal vessel growth early. He said the success rate of the surgery is 80 to 90 percent of having semi-normal vision in at least one eye.  It will take 2 to 4 weeks to find out how successful it was. Archer will not be transferred. He will be the first preemie to have the surgery at Dupont Hospital, though the doctor has years of experience, just in other hospitals. Each eye will take about 45 minutes to complete. Archer will be sedated and will be able to take oxygen from the Vapotherm and cannula. The entire NICU will be closed to all visitors and parents during this time, even Mom and Dad.
Other News: Archer received his third and final vaccine, Pneumococcal. He received a Kate's Kart book: Chicka Chicka ABC.

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