Monday, September 16, 2013


Archer had been off all medications (except for his nightly breathing treatment) for about one week's time. Although, once he stopped his reflux medication, he began coughing and eventually was wheezing, as if he was out of breath all the time. The pulmonologist recommended putting him back on a reflux medication, which was changed from Prilosec to Prevacid. This is in the form of a pill, which is better than using a syringe since Archer learned how to refuse medication that he does not like by clamping his mouth shut. He has been healthy since the medication change, and the wheezing has not come back.
Archer has been rapidly progressing in several ways during the last few weeks. He is over 24 inches long and is closing in on 13 pounds! He had an appointment with the pediatrician to update his vaccinations. He had to receive five individual shots because the combination shot was not available. He was not a very happy boy following the shots but was only a little fussy once he returned home.
Archer's fortifier that is added to his milk has recently been decreased from 25 calories to 22. He has also started eating some solid foods, though it took him a few days to warm up to the idea. He had no interest in rice cereal, but after a few tries he now enjoys eating applesauce, bananas, and avocados, all while throwing cups and spoons onto the floor. He can also be quite impatient if he has to wait for another spoonful.
Archer's therapists are still impressed by his progress. His muscles are getting stronger by the day. He has recently started standing straight with assistance, and he also rolled over from his back to his belly all on his own for the first time today! He has been extremely close to rolling all the way over for the past few weeks but would opt to scoot on his butt to reach his toys instead. He often motions to try to sit up on his own, and his balance is much improved. He likes to grab faces and hair, and he enjoys jabbering, smiling, and giggling. Mom and Dad have found several ticklish spots and enjoy playing some silly games with him.

Working on his biceps with the Boppy

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