Archer had his last appointment with his ophthalmologist yesterday. The doctor was extremely pleased with Archer's progression since his eye procedures. Archer will now see a pediatric ophthalmologist for follow-up appointments, then he will graduate to a local ophthalmologist to check for lazy eye, crossed eyes, cataracts, and other eye ailments that could come sooner or later in life. He will require regular eye appointments for the rest of his life to check for such ailments. Though for now, his eyes seem to be perfect.
Archer had a sleep study last week to see how his breathing levels were at night time. The results came back as Archer having less than tolerable levels just 13% of the time. This was not convincing enough to take him off oxygen just yet. He will undergo another study in a few weeks. He is still on 1/16 liter flow of oxygen during the night time.
Archer has also started to consistently gain weight, averaging about 1/2 pound a week. He is now up to 8 pounds! He is taking in breast milk mixed with formula to make it about 25 Calories to help gain weight.
Archer has been smiling much more in the last week or so. He often smiles when playing with Mom and Dad or when he is playing with his toys. He is also learning to grasp his toys, as he will hold a rattle for a few seconds and shake it up and down. He is still working on crawling and rolling over. He enjoys tummy time (when he doesn't fall asleep) and working on keeping his head up and making crawling motions. He is verbalizing more, trying to tell Mom and Dad what he wants (Mom thinks he is saying "Ma!").